Participation in tenders and specifications for energy efficiency

EPS: a qualified guide for the implementation of energy efficiency interventions through the preparation of technical specifications and participation in tenders for the granting of subsidies in the field of energy saving.

Participation in tenders and specifications for energy efficiency

EPS: a qualified guide for the implementation of energy efficiency interventions through the preparation of technical specifications and participation in tenders for the granting of subsidies in the field of energy saving.

Our Plus: competence, reliability, finalization.

Companies that decide to invest in improving energy efficiency can access significant support measures promoted by the central government, the regions and local authorities.

The incentives and various concessions provided by the calls for energy efficiency of companies can ensure significant economic coverage of the expenditure invested in technologies for energy efficiency, systems and plants for the production of renewable energy, energy audits, environmental sustainability certifications.


Who is it for?

All companies belonging to all product sectors, which intend to develop a virtuous path in terms of improving corporate energy performance, combining access to subsidized financial resources provided by the central state, regions and local authorities.

The added value of EPS

Certified skills and many years of experience in the implementation of energy audits in the various product sectors and in the evaluation of energy efficiency projects; in-depth knowledge of the related incentive systems; ability to participate in tenders and tenders that encourage energy efficiency and the use of renewable energy sources.

Our team of EGE expert consultants guarantees concrete and operational support; in detail the development phases that can be implemented (insert a professional list with associated photos for each phase):

  • design of the project;
  • presentation of the achievable results in terms of energy and economic savings;
  • production of technical administrative documentation;
  • presentation of the application;
  • construction of the work;
  • remote management and monitoring of the intervention.

The integrated value of our services

ISO 50001 Energy Management System

Energy Diagnosis conducted in compliance with Legislative Decree 102/2014 and UNI CEI EN 16247