Industrial consumers of electricity can participate in the dispatching services market (MSD) by modulating their consumption with the aim of responding to electricity supply and demand peaks managed by Terna as the operator of the national electricity system.
Terna procures the resources necessary for the management and control of the system (resolution
of intra-zone congestion, creation of the energy reserve, balancing in real time), acting as a central counterparty and remunerating the offers at the price presented (pay as bid).
In the event of a grid need, Terna notifies a balancing order to the aggregator (Balance Service Provider – BSP), the person in charge of providing the service offered on the Dispatching Services Market, which modulates the load and generation of MSD participants to increase or decrease energy consumption.
The modulation plans for energy are implemented by client companies that make their flexibility available to the BSP against a remuneration consisting of a fixed fee (net of any amounts deriving from the effective activation of dispatching resources) defined as a result a pay-as-bid downward auction with respect to a maximum value set equal to € 30,000 / MW / year and a variable consideration equal to a price not exceeding the strike price set equal to € 400 / MWh.
All companies that intend to increase the flexibility of production loads or that want to exploit electricity generation resources not saturated in normal operations.
We are constantly updated on legislative and regulatory aspects, with careful and consolidated experience in the analysis of the load / production profiles of production processes and in the economic enhancement of participation in the proposed projects, supporting companies towards an in-depth knowledge of the real benefits and electricity markets.
We guide you in all the phases related to the evaluation of the opportunity to participate in the MSD mechanism, from the technical-economic analysis to the management of the contractual relationship with the Balance Service Provider (BSP), assisting the company from the point of view of the regulations and related regulations.